BenchMarks of our AMD EPYC SSD VPS.

BenchMarks of our AMD EPYC SSD VPS.

As we have gone from Ryzen to EPYC we have created new benchmarks on the 3 top VPS benchmark scripts for your consideration.The new EPYC VPS may have a lower frequency then our Ryzen VPS but have double the cache and double the cores and threads, which allows us to give you more access to processing time. All these benchmarks was done on our SSD VPS 3 Hosting range.


Command to run: wget -qO- | bash

SSD VPS 3 Results:

Results of YABS VPS Benchmark test for our SSD VPS 3 range.

Bench Monster

Command to run: curl -LsO; bash

SSD VPS 3 Results:

Results of Bench Monster VPS Benchmark test for our SSD VPS 3 range.

Command to run: wget -qO- | bash

SSD VPS 3 Results:

Results of bench VPS Benchmark test for our SSD VPS 3 range.


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