
Showing posts from April, 2022

Litespeed vs Nginx vs Apache – Which Is Best Web Server?

If you happen to have been looking for a hosting service, you may have come across a few web hosting providers that openly announce which web server they are using for their servers. Most hosting providers use Apache as it’s been around for many years and is known for its reliability. However, in recent years, LiteSpeed and Nginx have been gaining a huge percent of the market. In this article, we would like to talk about  LiteSpeed WordPress hosting  as well as comparing LiteSpeed web hosting with different and popular web hosting such as  Nginx and Apache . What is LiteSpeed? LiteSpeed is a web server , and it’s considered to be fairly new in the webserver world. In recent years, LiteSpeed has gained huge popularity among web hosting providers. By using LiteSpeed, hosting providers have managed to double the capacity of their servers by changing their web servers from Apache to LiteSpeed. Imagine you have 20 physical servers and running Apache on each of them. You can host 200 websi...

BenchMarks of our AMD EPYC SSD VPS.

As we have gone from Ryzen to EPYC we have created new benchmarks on the 3 top VPS benchmark scripts for your consideration.The new EPYC VPS may have a lower frequency then our Ryzen VPS but have double the cache and double the cores and threads, which allows us to give you more access to processing time. All these benchmarks was done on our SSD VPS 3 Hosting range. YABS Command to run: wget -qO- | bash SSD VPS 3 Results: Results of YABS VPS Benchmark test for our SSD VPS 3 range. Bench Monster Command to run: curl -LsO; bash SSD VPS 3 Results: Results of Bench Monster VPS Benchmark test for our SSD VPS 3 range. Command to run: wget -qO- | bash SSD VPS 3 Results: Results of bench VPS Benchmark test for our SSD VPS 3 range.